Marcia’s Mid August Musings

This is the time of year when it seems as if summer is being held in suspension. The temperatures don’t change much nor does the garden ... Hydrangea flowers have matured. Annual flowers have reached their peak of bloom, and shrubbery has slowed growth. It seems there is little left to do, except keep an eye out for the occasional weed.

Yet, now is the time to prepare for next spring!

It’s time to order daffodils and tulips. Daffodils like to root into warm soil. After all, they are native to the regions around Turkey and Greece. They are also bulbs that don’t mind blooming in our increasingly hot spring weather. In my opinion, there is no such thing as too many daffodils.

Our expert team can carefully select and plant the perfect bulbs for your garden. Give us a call to place your order and remember, early orders get the best selection!


The Influence of Great Dixter


Marcia’s Vacation to Normandy